Big Ain't Bad

Big Ain't Bad is a romantic comedy film, directed by Ray Culpepper and written by Brian Poe. It stars Sean Blakemore, Jade Jenise Dixon, Reginald Ballard, Tico Wells, and Troy Medley. The film won the Audience Choice Award at the 2003 Hollywood Black Film Festival in Los Angeles, California. It was the Kick Off Film to the Fox Theater's 75th Anniversary Summer Film Series in Atlanta in 2004. It played in limited release in movie theaters, and was released to DVD in 2005.


Big Ain't Bad is a romantic comedy that redefines the measure of love. Ric and Natalie are a happy young couple headed towards marriage after a brief courtship. However, when Natalie makes an early return home from a business trip and finds her trusted mate in the company of last night's entertainment, the relationship abruptly ends leaving them to travel separate roads to self-discovery.
