
For other Bibra and Bibran entries, go to Bibra.
Bibran-Modlau was a Silesian noble family which was raised to Reichsfreiherr 1624.
One source '' reports that the family descends from a Sigmund von Bibra who traveled to Silesia in the 11th century, however the different coat of arms casts doubt on the connection. The description with the published print of Schloss Modlau describes the Bibran family as having split off from the Franconia Bibras five hundred years ago. By 1480 Modlau and Profen were already in possession of the family. At the end of the family, it was centered at Reisicht and Modlau, in present-day Poland. Prominent members of the family were: Friedrich Heinrich von Bibran-Modlau, Abraham von Bibran Kittlitztreben und Woitsdorf, and Sigismund Heinrich von Bibran-Modlau who was one of the largest land owner in Silesia.

Closely related families with derived names and coat of arms

Block von Bibran und Modlau, Kölichen gen. Freiherren von Bibra(n) u. Modlau, Schönberg von Bibra(n) und Modlau

David Heinrich von Bibran-Modlau was the apparent last male member of the family in Silesia. When he died in 1828, he had three daughters. His three sons-in-law incorporated the Bibran-Modlau into their names and coat of arms.

von Senden-Bibran

The son-in-law Ernst Heinrich von Kölichen, who had incorporated the Bibran-Modlau name and coat of arms died with a daughter, Agnes, but no sons. Ernst's son-in-law, Ludwig von Senden again incorporated the Bibran name into his own becoming “von Senden-Bibran” as in Gustav von Senden-Bibran.

Bibran related castles