Bible translations into Catalan

The first complete Catalan Bible translation was produced by the Catholic Church, between 1287 and 1290. It was entrusted to Jaume de Montjuich by Alfonso II of Aragon. Remains of this version can be found in Paris.
In the early fifteenth century, the Bible was translated into Catalan again by Bonifaci Ferrer. Ferrer's translation, known as the Valencian Bible, was printed in 1478 before any Bible was printed in English or Spanish.
The prohibition, in Spain and other Catholic countries, of vernacular translations, along with the decline of the Catalan language until its renaissance in the nineteenth century, explains why there were no translations into Catalan from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century.
In 1832 a Catalan exile in London, Josep Melcior Prat i Colom, sponsored by the British and Foreign Bible Society, translated the New Testament, which was published afterwards in 1836 in Barcelona and again in 1888 in Madrid as the.

List of Bible Translators

In the twentieth century many new translations emerged, both Catholic and Protestant.

Catholic translations

For the Ecumenical translation, Catholic and Protestant translators worked together. However, two separate translations of the Bible still emerged- the Catholic edition included deuterocanonical texts, while the Protestant edition did not.