Bhurit Bhirombhakdi

Bhurit Bhirombhakdi is a Thai businessman, the chief executive in the Singha Corporation, and a member of the family who owns the Singha Corporation. He used to manage in many business lines of non-alcohol products.


Bhurit graduated the bachelor's degree of Business Management from Bentley University in Massachusetts, U.S., and then started his first job as a beer tank supervisor of his family business, after that he moved to apprentice about advertisement and marketing at Ogilvy & Mather before joining back to Boonrawd Trading Co., Ltd. once again. He also graduated the Master of Brewery from Germany and the Master of Business Administration from Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration of Chulalongkorn University.


In 2004, Bhurit worked as a business innovative development and marketing manager for non-alcoholic products. He and his organization has launched new non-alcohol products such as rice, fried seaweed, mineral water, functional drink and sport drink, also creating business alliance’s products such as Japanese green tea and baked snack, and investing in real estate business. Also, he focused on the company’s generation gap by using Human Resource Management.
Nowadays, Bhurit is the Chief Executive Officer of Boonrawd Trading Co., Ltd. and has the responsibility to look after all marketing and distribution of the business. In 2017, he started his new project, corporate venture capital fund, called “Singha Ventures” to get in Startup Ecosystem of Indonesia and Singapore. The purpose of Singha Ventures is to look for some technologies and ideas from international startup and then adapt them into the main business and supporting their startup business. After that, in 2018, he planned to expand the business line by finding the investment opportunity from some business or startup in Silicon Valley of USA. The businesses that he focused included Consumer Product, Supply Chain’s Management and Enterprise Solution. In 2019, he created the new CSR project by changing drinking water label into the lost children notification wishing that will be another channel to return them to their family. In 2020, he started idea of conserving environment by campaigning customers and restaurants to use glass bottle to decrease plastic waste. By the way, his company still have other green projects such as wastewater treatment in factories, waste management and adding green areas more. In March 2020, he represented Boonrawd Trading Company Limited as the most trusted brand in the 20th “2020 Thailand’s Most Admired Brand & Why We Buy”, organized by BrandAge Magazine, which emphasized the brand’s constant success in terms of quality and consumer’s trust. In May 2020, Bhurit appointed Singha R Sa team to help former Bus no. 127 staff who were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and lost their jobs and shelters. The three families have been provided with new shelters, along with three-month sponsorship on the rent and fund for a fresh career start.


Bhurit interests in music. He used to be the vocalist of Krungthep Marathon Band and had his own solo single in the after. He, once, joined TV Program named The Mask Singer as the Unicorn Mask.
Furthermore, he interests in many kinds of sport such as racing which he recently, on 12 May 2019, won the second running prize from Blancpain GT World Challenge Asia 2019. And, he also likes boxing that he decided to open his own Thai boxing school named “RSM Academy” and the boxing space named “Knockout” which is the combination between HIIT and weight training.