Bhoot Aaya

Bhoot Aaya is an Indian drama documentary television series created by Akashdeep Sabir and directed by Ayush Raina for Sony Entertainment Television. Its central plot was based on paranormal experiences narrated by the real victims. Earlier the series was scheduled to telecast on September 29, 2013. But it was delayed, and the series premiered on October 13, 2013, which aired weekly on every Sunday at 11 PM IST. The show was directed by Ayush Raina who also directed Horror Story, and was co-produced by Kaishav Arora. The series ended on 6 April 2014. There were 23 episodes in total.


Bhoot Aaya attempted to explore the unexplained forces of the dark world and their encounters with humans. It is based on human brain psychology; whether the belief in ghosts is innate or not. The show depicted real life, spine chilling experiences of ordinary people. Each episode of Bhoot Aaya introduced Gaurav Tiwari and other experts from Indian Paranormal Society to explain the reasons behind such unexplained events.
