
Bhagyavidhaata is an Indian television drama series that airs on Colors since 4 May 2009. Set in the rural district of Motihari, Bihar, the show deals with the Sinha and Prasad families. The series has been dubbed into Telugu on Gemini TV as 'Gruha Lakshmi' and into Tamil on Polimer TV as 'Saami Potta Mudichu'.


Season 1

Bindiya Prasad, a simple, middle-class girl, marries the wealthy Vinay Sinha through a practice common in her native region—where a bridegroom is abducted and forced to marry a bride at gunpoint. Bindiya herself is innocent in the matter but, once married, suffers neglect and ill-treatment in the Sinha family. Later, Bindiya's sister Poonam and Vinay's brother Vimlesh fall in love and get married. Bindiya's brother Raja marries Vinay's female cousin Rekha. At long last, Bindiya wins the love and trust of her husband and in-laws. She becomes pregnant; however, Vinay is murdered by Kanchan a servant who loves him. Rekha is pregnant and gives birth to baby girl but dies of childbirth.after a few months later Bindiya gives birth to a baby boy however, Akhilesh, the hard-hearted eldest brother of Vinay, takes away Bindiya's newborn son.

Season 2

After a twenty-year leap, Bindiya lives in the Prasad house with her niece, Mamta, and adopted daughter, Poorva. Rekha is dead while Raja is in jail, wrongly framed by Akhilesh. In the Sinha house, Akhilesh and his scheming wife Shobha raise Bindiya's son Suraj and treat him like a domestic help. However, he adores them and hates his mother, whom he has never met. Shobha and Akhilesh have three children of their own—Payal, Prem and Ratan. The story now revolves around Sakshi, the wife of Suraj, who tries to reunite Bindiya and her son, eventually succeeding in her efforts.


Season 1