
Bhagirathpur is a village and a gram panchayat in Domkal CD Block in Domkol subdivision of Murshidabad district in the state of West Bengal, India.


Bhagirathpur is 10 km from Domkal. It is on the banks of the Jalangi.
Villages in Bhagirathpur gram panchayat are: Bhagirathpur, Char Bhagirathpur, Char Kaludiar, Char Salikadaha, Char Sibnagar, Char Sundalpur and Sibnagar Laskarpur.


As per the 2011 Census of India, Bhagirathpur had a total population of 10,125, of which 5,147 were males and 4,978 were females. Population below 6 years was 1,081. The total number of literates in Bhagirathpur was 6,792.


Bhagirathpur High School is a Bengali medium co-educational higher secondary school established in 1896. It has a library of 3,500 books and has 15 computers.


Bhagirathpur Block Primary Health Centre at Bhagirathpur functions with 10 beds.