
Bewsey and Whitecross is a ward to the west of the town centre of Warrington, England. The town's General Hospital is within the ward. The area is served by the 16/16A bus route from Dallam to Warrington. Sankey Valley Park runs through Bewsey, there are community centres at Whitecross and Bewsey Park, and a community and health hub is to be built to serve the former council estates of Bewsey and Dallam. There are five primary schools, while the nearest high schools are Beamont Collegiate Academy in the Orford area, Great Sankey High School in Great Sankey, and St Gregory's RC High School.


Note: Statistics expressed as percentages may not add up to 100%


Bewsey and Whitecross ward is represented on Warrington Borough Council by three councillors.

Census data

Data is based on that of Bewsey and Whitecross Ward

Population and Ethnicity

Bewsey and Whitecross ward has a population of 9,840 residents. Of which 49.3% are male and 50.7% are female. The average age of the population at the census was 36.1 years. Of the 9,840 residents, 96.2% of the population describe their ethnicity as white. Other significant minorities are mixed, black and Asian. Other races account for 0.7% of the population.

Housing and social situation

In the ward, there are 4,431 households of which 51.5% are owner-occupied. 34.1% account for council housing, 11.2% are rented from private landlords and 3.1% of houses have residents who live rent free. In the last two quarters of 2005, the average price of a house in Bewsey was £132,235. The population density of Bewsey and Whitecross is 12.6 residents per hectare. Also, 8.3% of households are classed as overcrowded. According to the ACORN index, 49.6% of residents describe Bewsey and Whitecross as a "hard-pressed" area. According to the indices of multiple deprivation, the ward falls into the slightly below average ward economically. 12.8% of residents are on benefits.

Employment and education

In the ward, employment rate stands at 58.2% of the population. On top of this, 5.0% of all economically active residents are unemployed, 1.7% are students in full-time education. 35.0% are classed as "economically inactive". In terms of education, 37.25 have no qualifications whatsoever. The majority have level one or level two qualifications. 11.0% have level three or higher qualifications.
