Beto Ortiz

Beto Ortiz is a Peruvian journalist, TV personality and writer., he lives in Lima; before that, he lived in New York City. His claim to national fame was through "Beto A saber", a politically incorrect TV talk-show from which he harshly criticized Alberto Fujimori's government while most of the Peruvian media remained silent.
One of his first appearances in Peruvian media was through several humorous stories he wrote for "No", a humorous supplement to "Si", a very well known Peruvian magazine in 1987.
During 15 years, Ortiz directed and hosted late-night shows and documentary series on national television. As a TV reporter he is the author of hundreds of stories on social and political issues, some of which were recognized with international awards. As a writer, he has published features and columns in the main newspapers and magazines in Peru. He is a columnist for the "Peru 21" newspaper. His first novel, "Maldita Ternura" was a best-seller in Peru. He was the host of his own TV interview show "Callate Beto" on RBC.
He co-hosted the TV show "Enemigos Intimos" on Frecuencia Latina along with colleague and writer Aldo Miyashiro from March 2008 to the first-quarter 2010, before being released from his journalistic duties in Frecuencia Latina due to ideological issues with the new executive management, more specifically Chief Executive Javier Urrutia.
Shortly after being released, he returned to TV, co-hosting the TV show "Enemigos Publicos" on Panamericana Television along with Aldo Miyashiro. In August 2010, Beto Ortiz quit "Public Enemies" due to controversial declarations against Jaime Bayly in a TV report. A short time later, "Public Enemies" was cancelled and replaced with another late night show, hosted by Miyashiro only, and different Peruvian guest-stars. However, this show lasted briefly before being cancelled when the whole journalist and reporting team of the show left Miyashiro to work alongside Ortiz in a new TV project.
He is currently considering a return to TV on a late night show on Frecuencia Latina, the TV network that released him in 2010.

Journalistic Experience

a documentary on child slavery in gold mines in Peru.