To prove Berge's lemma, we first need another lemma. Take a graph G and letM and M′ be two matchings in G. Let G′ be the resultant graph from taking the symmetric difference of M and M′; i.e. ∪. G′ will consist of connected components that are one of the following:
An even cycle whose edges alternate between M and M′.
A path whose edges alternate between M and M′, with distinct endpoints.
The lemma can be proven by observing that each vertex in G′ can be incident to at most 2 edges: one from M and one from M′. Graphs where every vertex has degreeless than or equal to 2 must consist of either isolated vertices, cycles, and paths. Furthermore, each path and cycle in G′ must alternate between M and M′. In order for a cycle to do this, it must have an equal number of edges from M and M′, and therefore be of even length. Let us now prove the contrapositive of Berge's lemma: G has a matching larger than M if and only ifG has an augmenting path. Clearly, an augmenting path P of G can be used to produce a matching M′ that is larger than M — just take M′ to be the symmetric difference of P and M. Hence, the reverse direction follows. For the forward direction, let M′ be a matching in G larger than M. Consider D, the symmetric difference of M and M′. Observe that D consists of paths and even cycles. Since M′ is larger than M, D contains a component that has more edges from M′ than M. Such a component is a path in G that starts and ends with an edge from M′, so it is an augmenting path.
Corollary 1
Let M be a maximum matching and consider an alternating chain such that the edges in the path alternates between being and not being in M. If the alternating chain is a cycle or a path of even length, then a new maximum matching M′ can be found by interchanging the edges found in M and not in M. For example, if the alternating chain is, where mi ∈ M and ni ∉ M, interchanging them would make all ni part of the new matching and make all mi not part of the matching.
Corollary 2
An edge is considered "free" if it belongs to a maximum matching but does not belong to all maximum matchings. An edge e is free if and only if, in an arbitrary maximum matching M, edge e belongs to an even alternating path starting at an unmatched vertex or to an alternating cycle. By the first corollary, if edge e is part of such an alternating chain, then a new maximum matching, M′, must exist and e would exist either in M or M′, and therefore be free. Conversely, if edge e is free, then e is in some maximum matching M but not in M′. Since e is not part of both M and M′, it must still exist after taking the symmetric difference of M and M′. The symmetric difference of M and M′results in a graph consisting of isolated vertices, even alternating cycles, and alternating paths. Suppose to the contrary that e belongs to some odd-length path component. But then one of M and M′ must have one fewer edge than the other in this component, meaning that the component as a whole is an augmenting path with respect to that matching. By the original lemma, then, that matching cannot be a maximum matching, which contradicts the assumption that both M and M′ are maximum. So, since e cannot belong to any odd-length path component, it must either be in an alternating cycle or an even-length alternating path.