Berean Bible College

Berean Bible College is non-accredited Christian college located in Poway, California, USA. It is affiliated with the Living Way Church, which is a non-denominational Christian church.


Founded by George and Rita Evans in September 1971, Berean Bible College started their classes in San Diego, California.
In 1991, Berean Bible College moved its campus to Living Way Church in Poway, California. Currently the President of Berean Bible College is Rev. Douglas Balcombe, Senior Pastor Emeritus of Living Way Church. The Dean of the College is Rev. Bobby San-Miguel.
In Fall 2012, Berean Bible College's first satellite campus opened in Maui; on-site classes at this campus were subsequently discontinued. Today Berean Bible College offers both on-site education at its Poway campus and distance learning. Classes offered may vary each quarter.
Berean Bible College is a small, close-knit community bible college. Classes are held Monday and Tuesday evenings, with a chapel service on Tuesdays. Distance learning courses are accessible at any time to those enrolled in the class.


Classes are offered on Monday and Tuesday nights. There are also correspondence elective classes which a full-time student may need to take in order to be classified as full-time. Upon successful completion of the prescribed classes and elective units required to graduate, students are awarded an associate's degree, a certificate of theology, or a bachelor's of theology degree.
There are four major courses of study offered at Berean Bible College, including a ministerial program designed to prepare individuals for full-time service as a pastor or an evangelist. Training includes preparation in such basic functions of the ministry as homiletics, exegesis, evangelism, pastoral counseling, church administration and conducting various types of worship services and meetings. The missionary degree aims to prepare the individual for full-time service in the mission field. It is similar to the Ministerial course except that it is intended to prepare students for service in missions, both at home and abroad. Special emphasis is placed on practical training on how to establish indigenous churches. The Christian Education degree seeks to prepare the individual for full-time service in the Christian Education program of a local church as an educational director and other related areas. Lastly, the Biblical Counseling degree trains people to view problems in life from God's perspective and will be encouraged to develop a methodology for change in harmony with the Scriptures.