
Belukurichi is a village panchayat located in Namakkal district in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, India. The village is right below Kolli Hills. The name Belukurichi has its root from 'Velavan Kurunji', meaning the land and hills that belong to Velavan known as Palaniyappar.

Population and Occupation

This place has a beautiful temple known as Palaniyappar Temple.
This is the place where Lord Muruga disguised himself as a handsome hunter youth to lure and marry Valli.
This temple has got a historical significance, where several kings have visited.
It is also said that the Tamil saint poetess, Avvaiyar whenever visited her friend, Valvil Ori, the then chieftain of the Kolli hills, never left the region without offering her prayers to this Lord Muruga.
The idol is found with his hair knotted atop his head and looks like a hunter. This idol has got a unique feature wherein Lord Muruga holds a rooster in his left hand though resting on his hip.
In his right hand he holds the vajra vel or the sacred lance.
He has also got a pichuva katthi in his waist band.
This kind of a Muruga statue or idol holding a rooster is nowhere to be found in the world except this temple. However, similar Muruga idols can be seen in temples like Sikkal etc. which are not the 'moolavar' or at the Sanctum Sanctorum.
Thaipusam is a very elaborate festival here which is celebrated with big pomp and show. With more devotees turning up every year, the highlight is the temple car.


Belukurichi is also famous for Indian spices like mustard, pulses, turmeric, garlic, etc. People from all over South India visit this village every year to buy such spices.