
Founded in 1940, Beltone is a hearing aid company headquartered in Glenview, Illinois. Beltone products are sold in the United States, Canada, and over 40 countries across the globe.
In North America, Beltone has over 1500 independently owned "hearing care centers". Beltone provides hearing screenings, hearing aid fittings and follow-up care. In addition, Beltone offers an aftercare program which covers Beltone hearing aids in several ways for as long as their patients own them.
The Beltone Hearing Care Foundation, a 501 charitable organization, was established in 2014 with the intent to donate hearing instruments to those in need of hearing help who may otherwise be unable to access it. Both individuals and organizations are eligible to receive assistance from the Foundation through direct nominations by Beltone staff or network members.

Styles of hearing aids

Beltone hearing aids come in dozens of styles. Beltone's smallest hearing aid, the Beltone microInvisa, is about the size of a raspberry. Known as an Invisible-in-the Canal hearing aid, the Beltone microInvisa is custom-manufactured to conform to a patient's ear canal. That allows the hearing device to sit comfortably within the ear canal, out of sight.
Other popular models fall into the lightweight Behind-the-Ear category. A very small case hides in the shadow behind the ear, and connects to the ear canal via a tiny, clear tube. BTE hearing aids let a patient have a hearing evaluation and receive hearing aids the same day. Beltone hearing aids are programmed to address an individual's specific hearing deficit.

Beltone's history