Belthara Road

Belthara Road is a Nagar Panchayat city with a railway station in the north-western corner of Ballia district of Uttar Pradesh, India.
Belthara Road is the sub-district headquarters. District headquarters of the city is Ballia which is 60 km away.


According to the 2011 census, in 2011 Belthara Road Nagar Panchayat had a population of 20,404 - 10,564 males and 9,840 females, giving a sex ratio of 931. There were 2476 children under 7 whilst the literacy rate of 85.78% is much higher than the state average of 67.68%.


Nearest town of the village is Belthara Road. Pin code of Indauli Zamin Indalli village is 221718. The village comes under Indauli Jamin panchayat. Belthara Road is the sub district head quarter and the distance from the village is 5 km. District head quarter of the village is Ballia which is 60 km away.
The village is home to 1162 people, among them 608 are male and 554 are female. 66% of the whole population are from general caste, 29% are from schedule caste and 4% are schedule tribes. Child population of Indauli Zamin Indalli village is 14%, among them 52% are boys and 48% are girls. There are 190 households in the village and an average 6 persons live in every family.As of 2011 census there are 911 females per 1000 male in the village. Sex ratio in general caste is 888, in schedule caste is 954 and in schedule tribe is 1000. There are 906 girls under 6 years of age per 1000 boys of the same age in the village.
Total 793 people in the village are literate, among them 470 are male and 323 are female. Literacy rate of Indauli Zamin Indalli is 79%. 90% of male and 68% of female population are literate here.
