Belarusian Arabic alphabet

The Belarusian Arabic alphabet or Arabitsa, was based on the Arabic script and was developed in the 16th century. It consisted of twenty-eight graphemes, including several additions to represent Belarusian phonemes not found in the Arabic language.
The Belarusian Arabic alphabet was used by the Lipka Tatars, who had been invited to settle in Belarusian territory, at the time part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. During the 14th–16th centuries they gradually stopped using their own language and started using the Old Belarusian language rendered in the Belarusian Arabic alphabet. Books of that literary tradition are known in Belarusian as Kitab, which is Arabic for book.
Some Polish texts were also written in the Arabic script in the 17th century or later.

Additional graphemes

Vowels are not listed as they were marked with diacritical marks, as in Arabic.
А, аA, a
Б, бB, b
Ц, цC, c
Ч, чČ, č
Х, хCH, ch
Д, дD, d
ДЖ, джDŽ,
Ф, фF, f
Ґ, ґG, g
Г, гH, h
Й, йJ, j
К, кK, k
Л, лŁ, ł
М, мM, m
Н, нN, n
П, пP, p
Р, рR, r
С, сS, s
Ш, шŠ, š
Т, тT, t
Ў, ўŬ, ŭ
В, вV, v
З, зZ, z
Ж, жŽ, ž
ЦЬ, цьĆ, ć
ДЗЬ, дзьDŹ, dź
ЛЬ, льL, l
НЬ, ньŃ, ń
СЬ, сьŚ, ś
ЗЬ, зьŹ, ź
ТЬ, тьTJ, tj
КЬ, кьKJ, kj
Ь, ь-

Source: :be-x-old:Беларускі арабскі альфабэт