Behind the Gardens

Behind the Gardens - Behind the Wall - Under the Tree.... is a studio album by new-age artist Andreas Vollenweider, released in 1981. It is almost entirely instrumental, and centers on Vollenweider on harp.


While not Vollenweider's first album, Behind the Gardens is often regarded as such because it was his first album to receive wide recognition. The earlier and more obscure Eine Art Suite in XIII Teilen, 1979, is now mainly available online, while Behind the Gardens is still on sale in music stores.
The second track, "Pyramid", is a favorite among fans and has become a concert staple.
In 1990 the album was re-released as a two-CD set with the two following albums, Caverna Magica and White Winds, entitled Trilogy. The full titles of the first two albums indicate that the three albums are thematically connected; the full title of the next album is Caverna Magica . Vollenweider has said that the title of the album is meant to be directions: "You will find us behind The Garden, behind The Wall, under The Tree...".

Track listing


Personnel on the original "Behind the Gardens":