Behind Enemy Lines (1986 film)

Behind Enemy Lines is a 1986 American action film directed by Gideon Amir and starring David Carradine. It is set in the context of the Vietnam War POW/MIA issue where Colonel Cooper, an Airborne commando, is sent to Vietnam to free American soldiers caught in a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp.
The film is also known as Attack Force 'Nam, P.O.W. the Escape.


Colonel Cooper is a U.S. Airborne commando who comes to Vietnam with a special mission to liberate imprisoned American soldiers. He gets caught in a North Vietnamese POW camp where there are other Paratroopers and Soldiers. Action is set at the end of the war and he, as the highest-ranking officer in the POW camp, is to be sent to Hanoi and prosecuted by the North Vietnamese. Camp commander Vinh gets an order to send him to court but instead of obeying it, he offers Cooper a deal - he will help him get to the American sector and then Cooper, in return, would help him immigrate to the USA, where Vinh has family.
Cooper promptly disregards his proposition, as he's a tough soldier who would rather sacrifice his own life than help the enemy. However Vinh is persistent persuading him, threatening that if he'll not accept his deal, then all of the fellow prisoners from his camp will die. Given that threat Cooper reconsiders Vinh's offer, and accepts the deal, but under one condition - all of the camp prisoners must go with them. Vinh, being short of time OK's the plan and so they leave camp in column of two jeeps and a truck. Their journey won't be without obstacles as they need to go through zones controlled by The North Vietnamese, and through the jungle wilderness.
