Before Morning

Before Morning is a 1933 American pre-Code crime drama directed by Arthur Hoerl, and starring Leo Carrillo, Lora Baxter, and Taylor Holmes. The film was
adapted for the screen by
Arthur Hoerl, from the 1933 Broadway play of the same name by Edward and Edna Riley.


Actress Elsie Manning is engaged to Horace Baker, but has also been in a romantic relationship with James Nichols who has named her as the beneficiary in his will. Not knowing about her engagement, Nichols asks his wife for a divorce and is refused. Nichols dies in Manning's apartment after she tells him she's engaged to Baker. When Baker arrives on the scene, he agrees to help her dispose of the body by having Nichols moved to a sanitarium. The owner, Dr. Gruelle, tells them Nichols was murdered by poison and attempts to extort money from Manning for his statement that the death was of natural causes. Gruell tries the same scam on the widow of Nichols, who eventually agrees when the poison is found in her purse. It is revealed that Gruell is really a police inspector named Mr. Maitland intent on solving the murder.
