Beehive Forum

Beehive Forum is a free and open-source forum system using the PHP scripting language and MySQL database software.
The main difference between Beehive and most other forum software is its frame-based interface which lists discussion titles on the left and displays their contents on the right.


Other features which differentiate Beehive from most forums include:
Beehive is used by the popular UK technology website The Inquirer on the Hermits Cave Message Board.

Security and vulnerabilities

On May 2007, Beehive Forum was selected as one of the most secure forums from a selection of 10 open-source software tested by Dragos Lungu Dot Com.
On 28 November 2007, Nick Bennet and Robert Brown of Symantec Corporation discovered a security flaw related to Beehive's database input handling. The vulnerability could "allow a remote user to execute SQL injection attacks". The flaw affected all versions of the software up to 0.7.1. The Beehive Forum team responded very rapidly with a fix released, in the form of version 0.8 of the software, later that day.
