Beefsteak tomato

A beef tomato or beefsteak tomato is one of the largest varieties of cultivated tomatoes, some weighing or more. Most are pink or red with numerous small seed compartments distributed throughout the fruit, sometimes displaying pronounced ribbing similar to ancient pre-Columbian tomato cultivars. While popular among home growers for beef sandwich toppings and other applications requiring a large tomato such as toppings on large steaks, beefsteaks are not grown commercially as often as other types, since they are not considered as suitable for mechanization as smaller slicing tomatoes.
Common varieties include:
Both in Italy, first, and France, later, a variety of beefsteak tomato is produced which looks like a beef heart in shape, as it is pointing down.
In Italy, the cuore di bue has been registered, but not in France, where some companies continue naming tomatoes with different qualities cœur de bœuf.