Beder, Denmark

Beder is a town with a population of 4,372 in Jutland in Denmark. The town is typically referenced to as Beder-Malling since the towns of Beder and Malling - population 3,538 - have gradually merged over the years. DST has since 2012 considered the towns one urban area making it the 84th largest in Denmark with a total population of 8,898 in 2020.
Beder-Malling is located in the southernmost part of Århus Municipality bordering the Kattegat. The area is divided into 2 parishes and comprises 7x7 square kilometres with approximately 9000 inhabitants. Both Beder and Malling supports a small train station and in the vicinity of the 2 main towns there are 9 smaller villages. Beder is the 3rd most densely populated area within the municipality.
Beder is home to a division of Aarhus Educational Centre for Agriculture, offering gardening, floristry, forestry and nature technician programmes.