Beats Per Minute (website)

Beats Per Minute is a New York City- and Los Angeles-based online publication providing reviews, news, media, interviews, features, and more from both the independent and mainstream spheres of the music world. Beats Per Minute covers a wide variety of genres but specializes in rock, hip hop, and electronic music. The site changed its name from One Thirty BPM to Beats Per Minute in January 2012.
Founded in late 2008 as a five-man operation, Beats Per Minute has since expanded to a staff of over 50 contributors based in the U.S., U.K., New Zealand, Germany, Australia, and Sweden.
Beats Per Minute is now a featured publication on Metacritic.

Albums awarded a 100% score

Beats Per Minute awards both new releases and reissues on a 0–100% point scale. Here are a list of releases that have been awarded the perfect 100% score.
On initial release:
On reissue and compilations: