Be Somebody (film)

Be Somebody is a 2016 romantic comedy film, directed by Joshua Caldwell. The film stars Vine blogger Matthew Espinosa as Jordan Jaye, a pop star who disappears from his own tour to escape his demanding mother.


Jordan Jaye is a teenage pop star on tour. While at a pit stop, Jordan gets off the bus, but the bus takes off before he can get back on. As he walks around town, he stops to take a look at a poster until a group of fans sees him and chases him. As he runs away, he bumps into Emily Lowe, who couldn't care less about Jordan and his status as a star, while she is delivering pizzas. Jordan convinces Emily to give him a ride away. After Emily drives him away, Jordan convinces her to hide him for the night. Emily reluctantly agrees and the two hide out at a bowling ally until Emily's parents go to bed. Emily then sneaks Jordan into her room for the night.
The following day, Jordan convinces Emily to use her interest in art, and specifically her interest in street art, and share her designs with people by tagging the school. As they tag the school, the two bond over their feelings of not knowing what to do with their crafts and their futures.