Bay of Pigs

The Bay of Pigs is an inlet of the Gulf of Cazones located on the southern coast of Cuba. By 1910, it was included in Santa Clara Province, and then instead to Las Villas Province by 1961, but in 1976, it was reassigned to Matanzas Province, when the original six provinces of Cuba were re-organized into 14 new Provinces of Cuba.
The bay is historically important for the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion of 1961. The area is a site known for its diving, with an abundance of marine fauna, e.g. 30 species of sponges belonging to 19 families and 21 genera, to be found in the bay.


In Cuban Spanish, cochinos may also mean the queen triggerfish, which inhabit coral reefs in Bahía de Cochinos, not swine.


This bay is approximately south of Jagüey Grande, west of the city of Cienfuegos, and southeast from the capital city Havana. On the western side of the bay, coral reefs border the main Zapata Swamp, part of the Zapata Peninsula. On the eastern side, beaches border margins of firm ground with mangroves and extensive areas of swampland to the north and east. At the north end of the bay, the village of Buena Ventura is adjacent to Playa Larga. southeast of that, Playa Girón at the village of Girón, named after the notorious French pirate Gilberto Giron.


Playa Girón and Playa Larga were the landing sites for seaborne forces of armed Cuban exiles in the Bay of Pigs Invasion, an American CIA-sponsored attempt to overthrow the new government of Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro in April 1961.
According to Fidel Castro's former bodyguard, the late Juan Reinaldo Sánchez, Castro lived in great luxury and had a private island called Cayo Piedra in the Bay of Pigs, replete with "mansions, guest houses, a heliport, dolphinarium, turtle lagoon, his luxury yacht Aquarama – a gift from Leonid Brezhnev – and deep-sea fishing speedboat".


The Bay of Pigs is a relatively quiet site for diving. Dive centers exist in Playa Larga, Playa Girón and Caleta Buena. Twelve dive sites in the bay display excellent visibility of, an average water temperature of in December and in July. Walls of coral, caverns and a variety of fish, coral and sponges can be found in the Bay of Pigs.
The Cueva de los Peces, with depth the deepest cenote of Cuba, is located at south of Playa Larga.


Surrounding the Bay of Pigs, the endemic wormlizards Amphisbaena barbouri and A. cubana have been noted. The following marine species have been registered along the eastern coast of the Bay of Pigs:
GroupCommon nameScientific nameImageNotes
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishblue chromisChromis cyanea
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishblue tangAcanthurus coeruleus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishbluehead wrasseThalassoma bifasciatum
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishstriped parrotfishScarus iserti
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishbeau gregoryStegastes leucostictus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishbicolor damselfishStegastes partitus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|FishbogaInermia vittata
:Category:Fish of Cuba|FishColon gobyCoryphopterus dicrus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishcreole wrasseClepticus parrae
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishlongfin damselfishStegastes diencaeus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishmasked gobyCoryphopterus personatus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishthreespot damselfishStegastes planifrons
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishyellowhead wrasseHalichoeres garnoti
:Category:Fish of Cuba|FishFrench gruntHaemulon flavolineatum
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishocean surgeonAcanthurus bahianus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishsergeant majorAbudefduf saxatilis
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishslippery dickHalichoeres bivittatus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishyellowtail snapperOcyurus chrysurus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishbar jackCaranx ruber
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishbarred hamletHypoplectrus puella
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishbrown chromisChromis multilineata
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishfoureye butterflyfishChaetodon capistratus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|FishgraysbyEpinephelus cruentatus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishlongjaw squirrelfishHolocentrus marianus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishredband parrotfishSparisoma aurofrenatum
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishroyal grammaGramma loreto
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishstoplight parrotfishSparisoma viride
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishtomtate gruntHaemulon aurolineatum
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishwhite gruntHaemulon plumierii
:Category:Fish of Cuba|FishporgiesCalamus sp.
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishbanded butterflyfishChaetodon striatus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishbuffalo trunkfishLactophrys trigonus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishflat needlefishAblennes hians
:Category:Fish of Cuba|FishglasseyeHeteropriacanthus cruentatus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishlongspine squirrelfishHolocentrus rufus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishplate fishBothus lunatus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishred lionfish Pterois volitans
:Category:Fish of Cuba|Fishspotfin butterflyfishChaetodon ocellatus
:Category:Fish of Cuba|FishtrumpetfishAulostomus maculatus
Spongesazure vase spongeCallyspongia plicifera
Spongesyellow tube spongeAplysina fistularis
Spongesgreen finger spongeIotrochota birotulata
Spongesorange icing spongeMycale laevis
Spongespink vase spongeNiphates digitalis
Spongesrow pore rope spongeAplysina cauliformis
Spongestouch-me-not spongeNeofibularia nolitangere
SpongesdemospongesCliona sp.
SpongesCliona aprica
SpongesCliona delitrix
SpongesCliona varians
SpongesAiolochroia crassa
SpongesEctyoplasia ferox
SpongesIrcinia felix
SpongesMycale laxissima
SpongesPlakortis angulospiculatus
SpongesScopalina ruetzleri
SpongesSmenospongia aurea
SpongesSpirastrella coccinea
Coralsboulder brain coralColpophyllia natans
CoralsCaribbean sea whipPlexaura homomalla
Coralselkhorn coralAcropora palmata
Coralsgreat star coralMontastraea cavernosa
Coralsmaze coralMeandrina meandrites
Coralspurple sea fanGorgonia ventalina
Coralssea gingerMillepora alcicornis
CrustaceansCaribbean spiny lobsterPanulirus argus
Echinodermsdonkey dung sea cucumberHolothuria mexicana
Mollusksqueen conchLobatus gigas
