Battle of Zernest

The Battle of Zernest was fought on 11 August 1690, near the city of Zernest in Transylvania, between the allied forces of Transylvania and the Holy Roman Empire, and the allied forces of the Ottoman Empire, Tatar allies, Wallachians and Hungarian Kurucs.
Imre Thököly aspired to proclaim himself Prince of Transylvania; allied with the Turks, he had campaigned unsuccessfully in 1686 and 1688 to win the Transylvanian crown. In 1690 he launched another campaign. The Sultan gave him command of a 16,000-men army with which he penetrated to Transylvania. And was later joined by Wallachian voievode Constantin Brancoveanu with a few thousand troops. Constantin was the true master-mind of the campaign and managed to pass the Ottoman army through the Carpathians on barely known mountain-passes and so bypassing the Bran Pass which was defended and fortified by the Imperial army. Donat Heissler was as such forced to give battle near the city of Zarnesti.
In the battle fought near the city of Zernest, the combined Ottoman army decisively defeated the united Habsburg-Transylvanian army and captured Donat Heissler. Following this victory, a Diet called in Kereszténysziget elected Imre Thököly Prince of Transylvania; nevertheless, he could only maintain his position against the Habsburg armies with the utmost difficulty. In 1691 he quit Transylvania altogether.
Though Imre Thököly's reign was short-lived, it forced the Imperial army to move troops from Serbia to take back Transylvania, as from Transilvania, Hungary and the Imperial supply and communication lines could've been attacked. This movement of troops made it possible for the Ottomans to push the Holy League's army back across the Danube and even recapture Banat. As a result, a stable front was made on the Danube river and on the Carpathian Mountains