Battle Royal High School

Battle Royal High School, originally known as Majinden is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Shinichi Kuruma. It was serialized in the Tokuma Shoten magazine Monthly Shōnen Captain infrequently between the May 1986 and August 1989 issues. Originally released in four tankōbon, Battle Royal High School was later re-released in two larger volumes on December 20, 2008.
The manga was adapted into an original video animation anime feature on December 10, 1987. It was directed by Ichirō Itano, and features character designs by Nobuteru Yūki and a musical score by Shirō Sagisu. The anime is considerably condensed when compared to its manga source material, making many characters seem out of place. The OVA was localized in English and released in North America by AnimEigo on VHS July 31, 1996 and on DVD September 23, 2003. The anime has been out-of-print in the region since 2011.


A story about a high school karate master possessed by a demon lord who is his doppelganger and wants to enslave the world but first needs to destroy a demonic fairy who also wants to enslave the world and is possessing a demon hunter, and the high-tech temporal security officer who is trying to stop most of them. Or at least some of them.

Staff and cast

Japanese cast