The film starts with a voice narrating a small town of Mumbai. A gangster named Kanta wants to destroy the town and is in a battle with Karanjia, who wants to replace the town with a shopping mall. Ramesh "Rama" Kulkarni returns to his town after several years and is greeted by all of his friends, neighbors and youngest sister, Pinky. It's only Rama's father, Vinayak Kulkarni, a school teacher, who does not greet him and is angered with Rama. A few days later, Rama's younger brother, Satish returns after completing his studies. Rama begins guarding his town from the gangsters of the town. Karanjia hires Rama and gives him some money and weapons for his protection. Rama buys gifts for his family, but everyone refuses to take the gifts and they refuse him into his family. Rama decides to marry Madhu, a girl who has fallen in love with Rama. During a festival of Shi'a Muslims, Kanta and his gangsters start terrorizing it. Rama and his friends began fighting Kanta's gangsters, until Rama is killed by Kanta's gangsters. Karanjia hires Satish, who decides to take the revenge of his brother's death. Satish is in love with a girl named Priya, whom Karanjia treats like his daughter. Satish's family gets destroyed, when his sister Pinky is raped by the Minister and his father is heartbroken at hearing the news. Pinky commits suicide and Satish's father dies by a heart attack. Satish is outraged and kills Police Commissioner, who is replaced by the new Commissioner of Maharashtra, Jabbar. Karanjia has an evil plan to finish Kulkarni family and rule over the town, where his partnership with Kanta is revealed. Karanjia's goons set out to kill Satish, where Priya saves Satish and gets shot in heart by herself. It is thought that Satish is also dead. One day, Kanta and his goons start spreading terror in the town, until Satish fights with them and kills Kanta and his goons and is arrested for the murders by Commissioner Jabbar. After Satish is imprisoned by the court, Karanjia pretends to be sad for Satish, until Satish begins fighting Karanjia and shoots him with his gun. At the same time, Commissioner Jabbar shoots Satish. Both Satish and Karanjia fall and die. The film's moral is that crime should not exist and everyone should leave peacefully because the end is always bad.
There were 4 tracks in the film: 1 - "Madhoshiya Hai Tanhaiya Hai" by Sunidhi Chauhan, Udit Narayan 2 - "Locha Labacha Chalega Nahi" by Vinod Rathod 3 - "Gin Gin Kaise Kate Hai Din" by Sunidhi Chauhan 4 - "Chudi Khanake Boli" by Alka Yagnik The songs were composed by Milind sagar and lyrics were penned by Sudhankar Sharma and Anwar Sagar.