Barwar (caste)

The Barwar are Rajput Hindu Descendant of Raja trilok Chand Bais caste, found in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India.Barwar are located in all India example that Uttar Pradesh, Rajsthan and Maharashtra.

History and origin

The community is said to have originated in the Saran district of Bihar. They were migrated from Saran, and settled in the Awadh region. The Raja of Bast. They migrated again from Baat to Awadh. They have three subdivisions, the Sawang, Gulam and Tilam. The Sawang group considers itself to be of pure Barwar origin, while the other two groupings are descendants of individuals kidnapped by the Sawang.

Present circumstances

The Barwar historically were a community associated with marauding and violence. The British colonial authorities made various attempts to suppress their brigandage, With the departure of the British, the community was denotified. Due to social backwardness, some in the Barwar community now shifted to have scheduled caste status.
The 2011 Census of India for Uttar Pradesh showed the Barwar population as 18,105.