Barnard Observatory

Barnard Observatory was a U.S. astronomical observatory owned and operated by University of Mississippi in Oxford, Mississippi. Completed in 1859, it was part of the astronomy focus that chancellor Frederick A.P. Barnard had for the school. Due to the outbreak of the Civil War, though, the purchase of the observatory's telescopes were put on hold. Today the observatory houses the Center for the Study of Southern Culture while the university's astronomers use Kennon Observatory.


The observatory is a Greek Revival design and modeled after the observatory in Pulkovo, Russia. Chancellor Barnard commissioned a northern company to build the telescope. The telescope was designed to be larger than the observatories in Pulokovo and Harvard. However, due to the Civil War, the observatory ended up going to Dearborn Observatory at Northwestern University.
When the Civil War started, the university closed down for the duration of the war. Due to Oxford's vicinity to much of the war, many buildings in town and on campus were utilized by forces, including the observatory which served as a hospital. In addition, Chancellor Barnard, a northerner, resigned and left Oxford. However, it was the former chancellor's relationship with General William Tecumseh Sherman that spared both the observatory and the university from Union troops burning it down. Writing to Chancellor Barnard, General Sherman explained his reasoning for sparing the observatory.In addition to the observatory's use as a hospital, it has also been home to the Department of Physics and Astronomy, the Department of Naval Sciences, the chancellor's home, and the Alpha Xi Delta sorority.