Baris (ship)

A baris is a type of ancient Egyptian ship, whose unique method of construction was described by Herodotus, writing in about. Archeologists and historians could find no corroboration of his description until the discovery of the remains of such a ship in the waters around Thonis-Heracleion in Aboukir Bay in 2003.
The ship, known as Ship 17, the first of 63 ships found in Thonis-Heraclion, measures up to 28 metres in length. It was constructed using an unusual technique to join thick wooden planks together, and had a distinctive steering mechanism with an axial rudder passing through the hull. The underwater archaeological work was carried out by Franck Goddio and the European Institute for Underwater Archaeology, and the findings are being published in a book by Alexander Belov for the Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology.