Baringo Central Constituency

is an electoral constituency in Kenya. It is one of six constituencies in Baringo County. The constituency was established for the 1966 elections.
Kabarnet is the largest town located within this constituency.
Daniel arap Moi served as the MP from 1966 until his retirement in 2002. At the 1963 elections, he won the Baringo North Constituency seat. Daniel arap Moi was also the president of Kenya from 1978 to 2002. The current Baringo Central MP is Joshua Kandie of Maendeleo Chap chap, since August 2017.

Members of Parliament

1966Daniel arap MoiKANUOne-party system
1969Daniel arap MoiKANUOne-party system
1974Daniel arap MoiKANUOne-party system
1979Daniel arap MoiKANUOne-party system
1983Daniel arap MoiKANUOne-party system
1988Daniel arap MoiKANUOne-party system
1992Daniel arap MoiKANUMulti-party system, Moi elected unopposed as MP
1997Daniel arap MoiKANUMulti party system, Moi challenged for the first time by Amos Kandie in the parliamentary contest
2002Gideon MoiKANUGideon Moi elected unopposed
2007Sammy MwaitaODMGideon Moi defeated overwhelmingly.
2013Sammy MwaitaUnited Republican Party
2017Joshua Kandie GermanyMaendeleo Chap Chap party
