Banu Ash'ar

Banu al-Ash'ar also known as al-Ashaira is a Qahtanite tribe that inhabited Yemen in the Arabian Peninsula. The companion of the prophet, Abu Musa al-Ash'ari is a member of this tribe.

History and origins

The progenitor of Banu al-Ash'ar is Nabat ibn Udad who is also known as al-Ash'ar. The tribe's lineage is as follows: Nabat ibn Udad ibn Zayd ibn Yashjub ibn Arib ibn Zayd ibn Kahlan ibn Saba' ibn Yashjub ibn Ya'rub ibn Qahtan
Nabat ibn Udad had seven sons: Al-Jamahir, al-Atgham, al-Argham, al-Adgham, Jedda, Abd Shams and Abd al-Thurayya.
Banu al-Ash'ar tribe was originally from Zabid in Yemen. After the Islamic Conquests under the Rashidun Caliphate, Many members of the Banu al-Ash'ar moved to settle in Bilad al-Sham. According to Ya'qubi who is writing in 892, the Banu Ash'ar were the majority around Tiberias. Records show that they were among the Arab tribes which settled in al-Andalus. The majority settled in the district of Rayya in Malaga, while some of them were also to be found in the city of Seville.