Banagram, Kamarhati, Nadia

Banagram is a small locality or village in Krishnanagar II CD Block in Krishnanagar Sadar subdivision of Nadia district of West Bengal, India beside Kamarhati, Nadia. Three Hindu Temple, one monastery, Banagram Radha Madhob Seba Ashram are there.


Most of the people migrated to Banagram from Bangladesh at the time of the partition of India in 1947. According to senior villagers of this locality, before 1947 population of this area was very poor and it was full of trees and it is spinney like.


Banagram is located at.
Most of the land is used for cultivation. The main crops of Banagram are rice, mustard, jute and marigold flower.

Police station

Dhubulia Police Station serves the area of Banagram. The total area covered by the police station is 134.74 km2.

Post Office

Post Office of Banagram is Kamarhati Branch Post Office and postal code is 741154.


Most of the people of Banagram depends on Cultivation. Also, many of them earn from Cottage industry.


In Banagram there is a primary school named, Banagram Board Primary School. For higher education students have to go neighbour village Kamarhati Chittaranjan High School