Balsa de Ves

Balsa de Ves comes from a village population dependent See, which was later called Villa de Ves, on being granted a charter by Alfonso X the Wise.
Under this jurisdiction, was comparable to that account, and was awarded a February 22, 1272, were granted to the inhabitants of see the power to work the land on their own, as previously depended on the Crown.
The application of immunity caused an exodus to the land of the plain, where there are currently stocks Balsa de Ves, Casas de Ves and Villar de Ves . This exodus resulted in a growth in importance and people of Casas de Ves, until in 1745 the Mayor is installed in this population, becoming dependent on this raft populations and Villa de Ves Ves.
In 1820 he separated from Casas de Ves the Villa de Ves, to rejoin again in 1823 and finally separated in 1838.
In 1844 definitively separates Balsa de Ves, this being the official birth year of Balsa de Ves as a municipality.
Cave unproven legend highlighting as the origin of the name " Ves", supposedly born the cry of advancing troops against Muslim Christian.
Source : Juan Gomez Penalver
Balsa de Ves is a municipality in Albacete, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. It has a population of 226.