Ballistic table

A ballistic table or ballistic chart is a tool which predicts the trajectory of a projectile, and is used to compensate for physical effects in order to increase the probability of the projectile reaching the intended target. Ballistic tables are used in hunting, sport shooting, military and scientific applications. Corrections in ballistic tables are given relative to a zero range. Ballistic charts are often given in angular measurements, with units in either milliradians or minutes of arc. The tables are usually generated using computer programs built on mathematical functions. The number of inputs to the ballistic calculator can sometimes vary depended on the specific generator, or the user may choose to only input certain variables.
For example, a very simple drop table can be made using inputs for the sight adjustment value, the zero range, intended target ranges, muzzle velocity, caliber, ballistic coefficient and bullet weight. Some of the environmental effects that play a role in calculating the trajectory are gravity, projectile spin, wind, temperature, air pressure and humidity. More advanced tables can take more factors into account to ensure a more accurate prediction of the trajectory, which becomes increasingly important on longer ranges. Some of these variables may have a negligible effect on shorter ranges.