Balāde par gulbi

Balāde par gulbi is a song by Latvian Rock band Pērkons, written by Māris Melgalvis and Juris Kulakovs in 1979 and recorded in 1983. Written while Latvia was still part of USSR, it is noted for its anti-soviet subtext. The opening part of the song deals with a crow with no sense of humor sitting on a fresh grave and forcing her opinion on everyone. However, after some time, the crow begins to sense something odd about the grave and relives her own tragedy. It is not until the end, when the crow has had enough of the bitter silence, that she realizes what has happened to her and that the crow is "the woman she loves".
Most of the song dwells on the stupidity of killing a swan, but in the end resolves that the swan is so red that one cannot help killing it.

