Babonić family

The Babonić was a Croatian noble family from medieval Slavonia whose most notable members were Bans of Slavonia and Croatia. Their rise began at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries when they received enormous estates from the Kings of Hungary. They were related to the Counts of Gorizia, the Venetian Morosini family and the Bosnian Kotromanić through intermarriages. The Blagaj cadet branch resettled to neighboring Carniola in the late 16th century after the loss of their possessions in the Una Valley to the Ottomans, and had a prominent role in the Slovenian national revival in the 19th century. They died out in 1898.

Family tree

Below is the complete family tree based on Hungarian historian Pál Engel's Medieval Hungarian Genealogy and Attila Zsoldos' archontology :