The BK XXL line of sandwiches is a family of larger, 1/2 pound double cheeseburgers sold by the international fast-food restaurant chain Burger King in the European and Middle Eastern markets. It is one of their late-teen to young-adult male-oriented products.

Product variants


The ads for the XXL bacon double cheeseburger described the XXL as a Whopper "with two enormous portions of flame-broiled meat that will give you all the energy you need to take the world by storm," and used the tag line of "It's awful being a vegetarian, right?". The ad campaign drew the ire of the Spanish government due to the large portion size of these products being in direct opposition to the country's health initiatives.
The German ad program for the Cheesy Bacon XXL featured an edited version of the Manthem commercial used for the Texas Double Whopper. The line mentioning the Whopper was edited out and replaced and the picture of the product was digitally replaced with one of the Cheesy Bacon XXL. The ad was sung entirely in English; all signage, including road signs license plates on vehicles, etc., was not translated into German.

Naming and trademarks

Burger King currently does not have any trademarks on the XXL line of sandwiches in Europe.