BHP Newcastle 32 class

The BHP Newcastle 32 class were a class of diesel locomotives built by A Goninan & Co, Broadmeadow for the BHP, Newcastle steelworks between 1954 and 1956.


In 1954 BHP took delivery of three GE 70-ton switchers for use on its Newcastle steelworks network from A Goninan & Co, Broadmeadow with a further two delivered in 1956.
There were several modifications form the standard US design. One is the alteration to the bogie pivot pin from the usual centre position to a point towards the buffer beam. The alteration enabled the locos to travel the tight curves found in the works, and also reduced excessive buffer and coupler misalignment. Deep buffer beams were fitted with a rail clearance, to minimise damage during derailments. To reduce excessive body roll due to poor track conditions, extra bearing pads were fitted to the outside of the bogie frame and the main frame. The fitting of large capacity air reservoirs on each side enabled the locos to be used with 6 of the pneumatic dump cars in use at the steelworks. Also as the standard US design did not have buffers fitted, the BHP locos were fitted with buffers with oversized buffer heads, necessary for the tight curves and BHP’s own internal rolling stock.

Class list