Bôcher Memorial Prize

The Bôcher Memorial Prize was founded by the American Mathematical Society in 1923 in memory of Maxime Bôcher with an initial endowment of $1,450. It is awarded every three years for a notable research memoir in analysis that has appeared during the past six years in a recognized North American journal or was authored by a member of the Society. This provision, introduced in 1971 and modified in 1993, is a liberalization of the terms of the award. The current award is $5,000.
There have been thirty-seven prize recipients. The first woman to win the award, Laure Saint-Raymond, did so in 2020. Ninety percent of the journal articles recognized since 2000 have been from Annals of Mathematics, the Journal of the American Mathematical Society, Inventiones Mathematicae, Acta Mathematica, and Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics.

Past winners