Avner Halperin

Avner Halperin is an Israeli entrepreneur and CEO of EarlySense. He is also an adjunct professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem and his research papers have been cited close to 2,000 times.

Early life and education

Halperin was born in Jerusalem, Israel and spent much of his childhood there. He also spent the last six years of his schooling in the United States, attending high school in Washington, D.C. After high school, he served in the IDF. He would go on to earn a B.Sc. in physics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and, later, an M.Sc. in the subject from Tel Aviv University. He also earned an MBA through the Sloan Fellows program at MIT, where his thesis documented the role of American CEOs in Israeli companies.


Halperin worked in executive positions at numerous Israeli startups including Eldat Communications, Radcom, and Lenslet. He also served as the CEO of Emmunet. In 2004, he co-founded EarlySense, a medical technology company, with Yossi Gross, Guy Shinar, and Danny Lange. He has also authored over 25 U.S. patents many of which are associated with the non-contact medical detection and monitoring devices that the company produces.
In 2016, Halperin was a member of the Israeli Economic Development Mission led by Governor Charlie Baker.
In addition to being EarlySense's CEO, Halperin also lectures at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at numerous events including the Calcalist Inspire Digital and Mobile conference, the American Heart Association's Heart and Stroke Innovation Forum, and CE Week.
