Aurora Redondo

Aurora Redondo Pérez was a Spanish actress.


Aurora Redondo began her theatrical career at age 7. She debuted at the with the play Doncell qui cerca Muller. After some performances in Barcelona, she traveled to Madrid, where she performed at the, in plays such as ', ', and ', all by Carlos Arniches. In 1937 she appeared at the of Buenos Aires in 400 performances of ' by the same author. Arniches, in addition, was the best man of her wedding with actor in 1925.
The two worked together on many occasions, interpreting works by the Quintero brothers, Pedro Muñoz Seca, Jacinto Benavente, and Carlos Arniches, among others. The death of her husband in 1955 made Redondo continue her solo career with Las buenas personas, ', ', ', Buenos días condesita, Un millón en la basura, ', ', ', ', The House of Bernarda Alba, Don Juan Tenorio, ', and ', her last performance, which she gave at age 93.
Despite her dedication to theater, she also made inroads into film and television, notably her role in the 1983 series
Throughout her career she received many awards and recognitions, including the National Theater Prize, the Silver Medal of Merit in the Fine Arts, the Toda Una Vida award from the , the Segismundo Award from the Association of Stage Directors, the Gold Medal of Merit in the Fine Arts, and the .
Aurora Redondo died from natural causes on 9 July 1996 at age 96. Her body was incinerated in the crematorium of the Cementerio de la Almudena the next day, and the urn with her ashes was interred in the family vault at the same cemetery.

Selected roles


