Aurora Lacasa
Aurora Lacasa is a popular singer of Aragonese provenance who has made most of her professional career in the German Democratic Republic and, since 1989, in Germany.
Early years
Aurora Lacasa was born in Paris. Her parents were both journalists, and at the time of Aurora's birth the family were among the thousands of politically active Spanish intellectuals who had fled to France from Spain to escape from the violent predations of the Francoist regime, now in power following their victory in the Spanish Civil War. However, in 1948 the Lacasa family relocated again, this time from France to Hungary.The family settled in Budapest where Aurora attended school between 1951 and 1956. Although the 1956 Hungarian uprising is remembered as a nationwide revolt, the fighting and the associated dangers were particularly intense in and around Budapest. In Budapest Ernesto Lacasa had become involved with the World Federation of Democratic Youth: as the Soviet tanks appeared on the Hungarian city streets Ernesto Lacasa, fearing for their safety, moved his family again, this time to the recently created German Democratic Republic. They ended up, initially, in :de:Ziegenhals |Ziegenhals, just outside Berlin, moving later to the Pankow district of Berlin. Aurora, now aged 9, resumed her schooling, successfully completing her final school exams after her transition into the German education system.
"I was a simultaneous translator, and I bought :en:IFA W50|W-50 trucks for Cuba."
"Ich war Dolmetscherin und kaufte für Kuba :de:IFA W50|W50-Lastwagen."