Aurealis Award for best young adult novel

The Aurealis Awards are presented annually by the Australia-based Chimaera Publications and WASFF to published works to "recognise the achievements of Australian science fiction, fantasy, horror writers". To qualify, a work must have been first published by an Australian citizen or permanent resident between 1 January and 31 December of the corresponding year; the presentation ceremony is held the following year. It has grown from a small function of around 20 people to a two-day event attended by over 200 people.
Since their creation in 1995, awards have been given in various categories of speculative fiction. Categories currently include science fiction, fantasy, horror, speculative young adult fiction—with separate awards for novels and short fiction—collections, anthologies, illustrative works or graphic novels, children's books, and an award for excellence in speculative fiction. The awards have attracted the attention of publishers by setting down a benchmark in science fiction and fantasy. The continued sponsorship by publishers such as HarperCollins and Orbit has added weight to the honour of the award.
The results are decided by a panel of judges from a list of submitted nominees; the long-list of nominees is reduced to a short-list of finalists. Ties can occur if the panel decides that both entries show equal merit, however they are encouraged to choose a single winner. The judges are selected from a public application process by the Award's management team.
This article lists all the short-list nominees and winners in the best young-adult novel category, as well as novels that have been highly commended. Three people have won the award twice – Isobelle Carmody, Garth Nix and Scott Westerfeld. Westerfeld holds the record for most nominations with nine, and Rory Barnes has the most nominations without winning, having been a losing finalist five times.

Winners and nominees

In the following table, the years correspond to the year of the book's eligibility; the ceremonies are always held the following year. Each year links to the corresponding "year in literature" article. Entries with a blue background have won the award; those with a white background are the nominees on the short-list.
Winners and joint winners
Nominees on the shortlist
has been a finalist on six occasions, winning in 1995 and 2003.|alt=A man facing the right focused on his upper body. He is wearing a light brown jacket, and a white shirt. has won once in 1996 and received a high commendation in 2005.|alt=A woman sitting a table with the shot focusing on her upper body. She is black and blue clothing. has been a short-list nominee twice with his collaborations with Rory Barnes.|alt=A man with the shot focused on his head. He is facing to the left and is wearing a black shirt and top. has been a finalist once in 2000.|alt=A man with the shot focused on his head. He is facing to the right and is wearing a pair of glasses and a green top. has received the most nominations with nine and has been a winner on three of those occasions.|alt=A man with the shot focused on his upper body. He is wearing a dark colored jacket and a white and gray shirt.
AshlingViking Press
Witch BankPuffin Books
Pan Macmillan
*Mirror, MirrorHodder Headline
Beyond the Hanging WallVoyager Books
FiredancerPenguin Books
Hodder Headline
*GreylandsPuffin Books
*Eye to EyePuffin Books
& Rory BarnesZonesMoonstone
Shade's ChildrenAllen & Unwin
*Singing the Dogstar BluesHarperCollins
Horsehead BoyHarperCollins
Killing DarcyUQP
Omnibus Books
Pan Macmillan
*Omnibus Books
Horsehead ManHarperCollins
& Rory BarnesStuck in Fast ForwardHarperCollins
Into the DarkViking Press
Viking Press
*Thursday's ChildPenguin Books
Horsehead SoupHarperCollins
Ferren and the AngelPenguin Books
OmegaRandom House
Hodder Headline
*Angus & Robertson
Allen & Unwin
LiraelAllen & Unwin
Penguin Books
Terra-FarmaViking Press
*Hodder Headline
Pan Books
Mum, Me, the 19th CAngus & Robertson
Fireworks and DarknessAngus & Robertson
*AbhorsenAllen & Unwin
*DragonkeeperBlack Dog Books
Flesh and BloodHarperCollins
UndineRandom House
Hot Nights, Cool DragonsAllen & Unwin
*Alyzon WhitestarrPenguin Books
Magic or MadnessPenguin Books
PeepsPenguin Books
UgliesSimon & Schuster
*'Omnibus Books
ABC Books
Magic LessonsPenguin Books
Wildwood DancingPan Macmillan
Penguin Books
Taste of LightningAllen & Unwin
Cybele's SecretPan Macmillan
Heart of GoldRandom House
ExtrasSimon Pulse
*Finnikin of the RockViking Press
Viking Press
'Omnibus Books
Angus & Robertson
*LeviathanPenguin Books
Pan Macmillan
Puffin Books
Allen & Unwin
*Allen & Unwin
Black Dog Books
Penguin Books
Penguin Books
Penguin Books
*Only Ever AlwaysAllen & Unwin
ShiftHardie Grant Egmont
Secrets of Carrick: TantonyBlack Dog Books
Allen & Unwin
Black GlassScribe Publications
* Dead, ActuallyAllen & Unwin
* Sea HeartsAllen & Unwin
And All the StarsAndrea K. Hosth
'Walker Books
Into That ForestAllen & Unwin
& Meagan Spooner* These Broken StarsAllen & Unwin
* Fairytales for Wilde GirlsRandom House Australia
HuntingAndrea K. Hösth
'University of Queensland Press
*'Pan Macmillan Australia
Text Publishing
AfterworldAllen & Unwin
ClarielAllen & Unwin
AfterworldsPenguin Books Australia
*In the Skin of a MonsterAllen & Unwin
Lady Helen and the Dark Days ClubHarperCollins
Day BoyText Publishing
and Jay KristoffIlluminaeAllen & Unwin
HushPenguin Random House Australia
*Lady Helen and the Dark Days PactHarperCollins Publishers
ElegyPenguin Random House Australia
'Penguin Books Australia
'Penguin Random House Australia
and Jay KristoffGemima: The Illuminae Files 2Allen & Unwin
GoldenhandAllen & Unwin
*In the Dark SpacesHardie Grant Egmont
IdaBonnier Publishing Australia
Frogkisser!Allen & Unwin
This Mortal CoilPuffin UK
'Text Publishing
& Ezekiel Kwaymullina*Catching Teller CrowAllen & Unwin
Small SpacesWalker Books Australia
Lifel1k3Allen & Unwin
His Name Was WalterHarperCollins Publishers
HarperCollins Publishers
ImpostorsAllen & Unwin
The Darkest BloomScholastic
Ghost BirdUniversity of Queensland Press
& Jay KristoffAurora RisingAllen & Unwin
Dev1at3Allen & Unwin
The Harp of KingsMacmillan
I Heard the Wolf Call My NameSOV Media

High commendations

The high commendations are announced alongside the list of finalists for their respected year of eligibility. In the following table, the years correspond to the year of the book's eligibility; the ceremonies are always held the following year. Each year links to the corresponding "year in literature" article.
2005Lothian Books
2005BreatheRandom House
2005PrettiesSimon & Schuster