Augusto Ruschi Biological Reserve

Augusto Ruschi Biological Reserve is a Federal biological reserve in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil.
It holds dense rainforest of the Atlantic Forest biome.


The reserve covers in the Atlantic Forest biome.
It was created on 20 September 1982 and is administered by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation.
It became part of the Central Atlantic Forest Ecological Corridor, created in 2002.
The reserve is classified as International Union for Conservation of Nature category Ia.
It is in the Santa Teresa municipality of Espírito Santo state.


The reserve is mostly covered in dense rainforest, with many species of flora, some of which are rare.
The terrain is rugged, with altitudes ranging from.
Streams rising in the reserve flow into the Doce, Timbuí and Piraqueaçú rivers.
Protected birds in the reserve include the red-browed amazon, white-necked hawk, Atlantic black-breasted woodpecker, rufous-brown solitaire, purple-winged ground dove, black-bellied thorntail, Salvadori's antwren and brown-backed parrotlet.
Protected mammals include the maned sloth, Atlantic titi , northern muriqui, buffy-headed marmoset, ocelot and cougar.
Other protected species include the black uruçu and pinthous mimic white.