Auckland Live

Auckland Live, known as The Edge until 2014, is New Zealand's largest performing arts and convention centre complex / organisation. It is a council-controlled trading organisation of Auckland Council and comprises:
In 2009, Auckland Live recorded attendances of 736,600 at an unspecified number of events delivered as part of the centre's "Arts Agenda" and "Commercial Entertainment" programmes.


Auckland Live has a board of six and is chaired by Richard Waddel and the deputy chair is Peter Stubbs.
In 2009, its board of directors alone were paid a total remuneration of $139,000. In the same year, the top 10 employees remunerations totalled more than $1.79 million, some $400,000 more than the direct cost of the Arts Agenda programme.
It was incorporated into the new council body Regional Facilities Auckland in 2010 and no longer produces a separate annual report.