Atingkok Maru Sidaba

In Sanamahism and Manipuri mythology, Atingkok Maru Sidaba or Salailel Sitapa or Salailen Sidaba is the highest deity, who is the creator of the Universe. Salailen Sidaba is also identified as Soraren Sidaba, the Sky God.
He is the father and creator of the deities Lainingthou Sanamahi, Nongshaba and Pakhangba. He is the consort of Leimarel Sidabi, the highest goddess in Sanamahism.


Lord Atingkok is symbolised with the Meitei numeral "꯱", meaning "1", which represents the ether or space.


In most legends, Atingkok produces Leimarel Sidabi from his own self to be his consort and create Lord Lainingthou Sanamahi from a magical pot, within three days after which he with the union of his goddess, gave birth to Pakhangba.
However, in another legend, Atingkok produces a form of himself named Salailen Sidabi, to be the sky god and goddess Leimarel Sidabi, the earth goddess to be the divine pair to produce gods, after whose union gave birth to Pakhangba. For Lainingthou Sanamahi, he is born from the magical pot in both legends.