Association of Personal Injury Lawyers

The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers is a not-for-profit organisation comprising about 3,300 personal injury solicitors, barristers, academics and students.
The association was founded in 1990 by a group of barristers and solicitors who wished to improve the services provided for victims of negligence. Its four founders are Rodger Pannone, Michael Napier CBE, John Melville Williams QC, and Simon Walton.


APIL runs an accreditation scheme which assesses personal injury lawyers according to their expertise and experience. Lawyers who gain this accreditation kitemark have at least five years' experience of handling personal injury claims, and are known as senior litigators, fellows or senior fellows, depending on the amount of experience they have. The scheme is overseen by an independent Academic Quality Council.
All APIL members are bound to abide by a code of conduct and consumer charter.


APIL holds regular meetings with Government ministers, MPs, civil servants and opinion formers on campaigns for reform in the law, including:
Primary services and aims of the APIL are:
APIL is governed by 18 elected executive committee members. The committee is led by a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer.
The current president is Gordon Dalyell.