Asset and liability management
Asset and liability management is the practice of managing financial risks that arise due to mismatches between the assets and liabilities as part of an investment strategy in financial accounting.
ALM sits between risk management and strategic planning. It is focused on a long-term perspective rather than mitigating immediate risks and is a process of maximising assets to meet complex liabilities that may increase profitability.
ALM includes the allocation and management of assets, equity, interest rate and credit risk management including risk overlays, and the calibration of company-wide tools within these risk frameworks for optimisation and management in the local regulatory and capital environment.
Often an ALM approach passively matches assets against liabilities and leaves surplus to be actively managed.
Asset and liability management practices were initially pioneered by financial institutions during the 1970s as interest rates became increasingly volatile.ALM objectives and scope
The exact roles and perimeter around ALM can vary significantly from one bank to another depending on the business model adopted and can encompass a broad area of risks.The traditional ALM programs focus on interest rate risk and liquidity risk because they represent the most prominent risks affecting the organization balance-sheet.
But ALM also now seeks to broaden assignments such as foreign exchange risk and capital management.
According to the Balance sheet management benchmark survey conducted in 2009 by the audit and consulting company PricewaterhouseCoopers, 51% of the 43 leading financial institutions participants look at capital management in their ALM unit.
The scope of the ALM function to a larger extent covers the following processes:
- Liquidity risk: the current and prospective risk arising when the bank is unable to meet its obligations as they come due without adversely affecting the bank's financial conditions. From an ALM perspective, the focus is on the funding liquidity risk of the bank, meaning its ability to meet its current and future cash-flow obligations and collateral needs, both expected and unexpected. This mission thus includes the bank liquidity's benchmark price in the market.
- Interest rate risk: The risk of losses resulting from movements in interest rates and their impact on future cash-flows. Generally because a bank may have a disproportionate amount of fixed or variable rates instruments on either side of the balance-sheet. One of the primary causes are mismatches in terms of bank deposits and loans.
- Capital markets risk: The risk from movements in equity and/or credit on the balance sheet. An insurer may wish to harvest either risk or fee premia. Risk is then mitigated by options, futures, derivative overlays which may incorporate tactical or strategic views.
- Currency risk management: The risk of losses resulting from movements in exchanges rates. To the extent that cash-flow assets and liabilities are denominated in different currencies.
- Funding and capital management: As all the mechanism to ensure the maintenance of adequate capital on a continuous basis. It is a dynamic and ongoing process considering both short- and longer-term capital needs and is coordinated with a bank's overall strategy and planning cycles.
- Profit planning and growth.
- In addition, ALM deals with aspects related to credit risk as this function is also to manage the impact of the entire credit portfolio on the balance sheet. The credit risk, specifically in the loan portfolio, is handled by a separate risk management function and represents one of the main data contributors to the ALM team.
ALM intervenes in these issues of current business activities but is also consulted to organic development and external acquisition to analyse and validate the funding terms options, conditions of the projects and any risks.
Today, ALM techniques and processes have been extended and adopted by corporations other than financial institutions; e.g., insurance.
Treasury and ALM
For simplification treasury management can be covered and depicted from a corporate perspective looking at the management of liquidity, funding, and financial risk. On the other hand, ALM is a discipline relevant to banks and financial institutions whose balance sheets present different challenges and who must meet regulatory standards.For banking institutions, treasury and ALM are strictly interrelated with each other and collaborate in managing both liquidity, interest rate, and currency risk at solo and group level: Where ALM focuses more on risk analysis and medium- and long-term financing needs, treasury manages short-term funding including intra-day liquidity management and cash clearing, crisis liquidity monitoring.
ALM governance
The responsibility for ALM is often divided between the treasury and Chief Financial Officer. In smaller organizations, the ALM process can be addressed by one or two key persons.The vast majority of banks operate a centralised ALM model which enables oversight of the consolidated balance-sheet with lower-level ALM units focusing on business units or legal entities.
To assist and supervise the ALM unit an Asset Liability Committee, whether at the board or management level, is established. It has the central purpose of attaining goals defined by the short- and long-term strategic plans:
- To ensure adequate liquidity while managing the bank's spread between the interest income and interest expense
- To approve a contingency plan
- To review and approve the liquidity and funds management policy at least annually
- To link the funding policy with needs and sources via mix of liabilities or sale of assets
Legislative summary
- Most global banks have benchmarked their ALM framework to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision guidance 'Principles for the management and supervision of interest rate risk'. Issued in July 2004, this paper has the objective to support the Pillar 2 approach to interest rate risk in the banking book within the Basel II capital framework.
- In January 2013, the Basel Committee has issued the full text of the revised Liquidity Coverage Ratio as one of the key component of the Basel III capital framework. This new coming ratio will ensure that banks will have sufficient adequacy transformation level between their stock of unencumbered high-quality assets and their conversion into cash to meet their liquidity requirements for a 30-calendar-day liquidity stress scenario.
ALM concepts
Building an ALM policy
As in all operational areas, ALM must be guided by a formal policy and must address:- Limits on the maximum size of major asset/ liability categories
- Balance sheet mix : in order to follow the old adage 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket'
- *Limits on the mix of balance sheet assets considering levels of risk and return and thus guided by annual planning targets, lending licence constraints and regulatory restrictions on investments.
- *Limits on the mix of balance sheet liabilities such as deposits and other types of funding considering the differential costs and volatility of these types of funds
- *Policy limits have to be realistic :based on historical trend analysis and comparable to the peers or the market
- Correlating maturities and terms
- Controlling liquidity position and set limits in terms of ratios and projected net cash-flows, analyse and test alternative sources of liquidity
- Controlling interest rate risk and establishing interest rate risk measurement techniques
- Controlling currency risk
- Controlling the use of derivatives as well as defining management analysis and expert contribution for derivative transactions
- Frequency and content for board reporting
- But also practical decision such as :
- *Who is responsible for monitoring the ALM position of the bank
- *What tools to use to monitor the ALM framework
ALM core functions
Managing gaps
The objective is to measure the direction and extent of asset-liability mismatch through the funding or maturity gap. This aspect of ALM stresses the importance of balancing maturities as well as cash-flows or interest rates for a particular set time horizon.For the management of interest rate risk it may take the form of matching the maturities and interest rates of loans and investments with the maturities and interest rates of deposit, equity and external credit in order to maintain adequate profitability. In other words, it is the management of the spread between interest rate sensitive assets and interest rate sensitive liabilities..
Static/Dynamic gap measurement techniques
Gap analysis suffers from only covering future gap direction of current existing exposures and exercise of options at different point in time.
Dynamic gap analysis enlarges the perimeter for a specific asset by including 'what if' scenarios on making assumptions on new volumes,
Liquidity risk management
The role of the bank in the context of the maturity transformation that occurs in the banking book lets inherently the institution vulnerable to liquidity risk and can even conduct to the so-call risk of 'run of the bank' as depositors, investors or insurance policy holders can withdraw their funds/ seek for cash in their financial claims and thus impacting current and future cash-flow and collateral needs of the bank.This aspect of liquidity risk is named funding liquidity risk and arises because of liquidity mismatch of assets and liabilities.
Even if market liquidity risk is not covered into the conventional techniques of ALM, these 2 liquidity risk types are closely interconnected. In fact, reasons for banking cash inflows are :
- when counterparties repay their debts : indirect connection due to the borrower's dependence on market liquidity to obtain the funds
- when clients place a deposit: indirect connection due to the depositor's dependence on market liquidity to obtain the funds
- when the bank purchases assets to hold on its own account: direct connection with market liquidity
- when the bank sells debts it has held on its own account: direct connection
Liquidity gap analysis
To do so, ALM team is projecting future funding needs by tracking through maturity and cash-flow mismatches gap risk exposure. In that situation, the risk depends not only on the maturity of asset-liabilities but also on the maturity of each intermediate cash-flow, including prepayments of loans or unforeseen usage of credit lines.
Actions to perform
- Determining the number or the length of each relevant time interval
- Defining the relevant maturities of the assets and liabilities where a maturing liability will be a cash outflow while a maturing asset will be a cash inflow. For non maturity assets, their movements as well as volume can be predict by making assumptions derived from examining historic data on client's behaviour.
- Slotting every asset, liability and off-balance sheet items into corresponding time bucket based on effective or liquidity duration maturity
Before any remediation actions, the bank will ensure first to :
- Spread the liability maturity profile across many time intervals to avoid concentration of most of the funding in overnight to few days time buckets
- Plan any large size funding operation in advance
- Hold a significant productions of high liquid assets
- Put limits for each time bucket and monitor to stay within a comfortable level around these limits
Non-maturing liabilities specificity
Calculation to define :
- Average opening of the accounts : a retail deposit portfolio has been open for an average of 8.3 years
- Retention rate : the given retention rate is 74.3%
- Duration level : translation into a duration of 6.2 years
- To place these funds in the longest-dated time bucket as deposits remain historically stable over time due to large numbers of depositors.
- To divide the total volume into 2 parts: a stable part and a floating part
- To assign maturities and re-pricing dates to the non-maturing liabilities by creating a portfolio of fixed income instruments that imitates the cash-flows of the liabilities positions.
Remediation actions
- A surplus of assets creates a funding requirement, i.e. a negative mismatch that can be financed
- *By long-term borrowings : long-term debt, preferred stock, equity or demand deposit
- *By short-term borrowings : collateralized borrowings, money market
- *By asset sales : distressed sales but sales induce drastic changes in the bank's strategy
- A surplus of liabilities over assets creates the need to find efficient uses for those funds, i.e. a positive mismatch that is not a wrong signal but only means that the bank is sacrificing profits unnecessarily to achieve a liquidity position that is too liquid. This excess of liquidity can be deployed in money market instruments or risk-free assets such as government T-bills or bank certificate of deposit if this liability excess belongs to bank's capital.
Measuring liquidity risk
- Liquidity consumption
- Liquidity provision
- Speed: the speed of market deterioration in 2008 fosters the need to daily measurement of liquidity figures and quick data availability
- Integrity
For the purposes of quantitative analysis, since no single indicator can define adequate liquidity, several financial ratios can assist in assessing the level of liquidity risk. Due to the large number of areas within the bank's business giving rise to liquidity risk, these ratios present the simpler measures covering the major institution concern. In order to cover short-term to long-term liquidity risk they are divided into 3 categories :
- Indicators of operating cash-flows
- Ratios of liquidity
- Financial strength
Category | Ratio name | Objective and significance | Formula |
Cash-flow ratio | Cash and short term investment to total assets ratio | Indication of how much available cash the bank has to meet share withdrawals or additional loan demand | Cash + short term investment / total assets Short term investment : part of the current assets section of investment that will expire within the year |
Cash-flow ratio | Operating cash flow ratio | Help to gauge the bank's liquidity in the short-term as how well current liabilities are covered by the cash-flow generated by the bank | Cash-flow from operations / current liabilities |
Ratio of liquidity | Current ratio | Estimation of whether the business can pay debts due within one year out of the current assets:
| Current assets/ current liabilities
Ratio of liquidity | Quick ratio | Adjustment of the current ratio to eliminate no-cash equivalent assets and indicate the size of the buffer of cash | Current assets / current liabilities |
Ratio of liquidity | Non core funding dependence ratio | Measure of the bank's current position of how much long term earning assets are funded with non core funds net of short term investments. The lower the ratio the better | Non core liabilities / Long term assets |
Ratio of liquidity | Core deposits to total assets | Measurement of the extent to which assets are funded through stable deposit base. Correct level : 55% | Core deposit : deposit accounts, withdrawals accounts, savings, money market accounts, retail certificates of deposits |
Financial strength | Loans to deposit ratio | Simplified indication on the extent to which a bank is funding liquid assets by stable liabilities. A level of 85 to 95% indicating correct level. | Loans + advances to customer net of allowance for impairment losses / customer deposit |
Financial strength | Loans to asset ratio | Indication that the bank can effectively meet the loan demand as well as other liquidity needs. Correct level : 70 to 80% |
Setting limits
Setting risk limits still remain a key control tool in managing liquidity as they provide :- A clear and easily understandable communication tool for risk managers to top management of the adequacy of the level of liquidity to the bank's current exposure but also a good alert system to enhance conditions where the liquidity demands may disrupt the normal course of business
- One of the easiest control framework to implement
Funding management
Constraints to take into account
- Obtaining funds at reasonable costs
- Fostering funding diversification in the sources and tenor of funding in the short, medium to long-term
- Adapting the maturities of liabilities cash-flow in order to match with funds uses
- Gaining cushion of high liquid assets
- New regulations from Basel III requirements on new capital buffers and liquidity ratios are increasing the pressure on bank's balance sheet
- Prolonged period of low rates has compressed margins and creates incentives to expand the assets hold in order to cover yields and thus growing exposures
- Long-term secured funding has fallen half since 2007 with decrease of the average maturity from 10 to 7 years
- Unsecured funding markets are no longer available for many banks with cut access to cheap funding
- Client deposits as the reliable source of stable funding is no more under a growth period as depositors shifting away their funds into safer institutions or non-banks institutions as well as following the economic slowdown trends
- The banking system needs to deal with fierce competition of the shadow banking system : entities or activities structured outside the regular banking mechanism that perform bank-like functions such as credit intermediation or funding sources. Size of the shadow banking system is evaluated to $67 trillion in 2011 according to the Financial Stability Board, this estimation is based on a proxy measure for non-credit intermediation in Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, UK, US and the Euro area.
Principal sources of funding
2 forms to obtain funding for banks :
Asset-based funding sources
The asset contribution to funding requirement depends on the bank ability to convert easily its assets to cash without loss.- Cash-flows : as the primary source of asset side funding, occur when investments mature or through amortization of loans and mortgage-backed securities
- Pledging of assets: in order to secure borrowings or line commitments. This practice induces a close management of these assets hold as collateral
- Liquidation of assets or sale of subsidiaries or lines of business
- Securitization of assets as the bank originates loans with the intent to transform into pools of loans and selling them to investors
Liability and equity funding sources
Retail funding
From customers and small businesses and seen as stable sources with poor sensitivity level to market interest rates and bank's financial conditions.- Deposit account
- Transaction accounts
- Savings accounts
- Public deposit
- Current account
[Wholesale funding]
- Borrowing funds under secured and unsecured debt obligations
- *Short-term :
- ** High-grade securities sold under repurchase agreement : repo transaction that helps create leverage and short-term liabilities collateralised with longer maturity assets
- ** Debt instruments such as commercial paper
- *Longer terms : collateralized loans and issuance of debt securities such as straight or covered bonds
- Other form of deposit
- *Certificate of deposit
- *Money market deposit
- *Brokered deposit
- *Parent company deposit
- *Deposit from banks
- Support from legacy governments and central bank facilities. Such as Long Term Refinancing Operations in the Eurozone where the ECB provides financing to Eurozone banks
Equity funds or raising capital
- Common stock
- Preferred stock
- Retained earnings
Putting an operative plan for the normal daily operations and ongoing business activities
Assessment of possible funding sources
Main characteristics :- Concentrations level between funding sources
- Sensitivity to interest-rate and credit risk volatility
- Ability and speed to renew or replace the funding source at favorable terms
- For borrowed funds, documentation of a plan defining repayment of the funds and terms including call features, prepayment penalties, debt covenants...
- Possible early redemption option of the source
- Diversification of sources, tenors, investors base and types, currencies and to collateralization requirements
- Costs : a bank can privilegiate interest bearing deposit products for retail clients as it is still considered as a cheap form of stable funding but the fierce competition between banks to attract a big market share has increased the acquisition and operational costs generated to manage large volume treatment
Setting for each source an action plan and assessment of the bank's exposure to changes
Once the bank has established a list of potential sources based on their characteristics and risk/ reward analysis, it should monitor the link between its funding strategy and market conditions or systemic events.For simplification, the diversify available sources are divided into 3 main time categories:
- Short-term
- Medium-term
- Long-term period
- Assessment of the likehood of funding deficiencies or cost increase across time periods. In case for example, position on the wholesale funding, providers often require liquid assets as collateral. If that collaterals become less liquid or difficult to evaluate, wholesale funds providers may arbitrate no more funding extension maturity
- Explanation of the objective, purpose and strategy behind each funding source chosen : a bank may borrow on a long-term basis to fund real estate loans
- Monitoring of the bank capacity to raise each funds quickly and without bad cost effects as well as the monitoring of the dependence factors affecting its capacity to raise them
- Maintenance of a constant relation with funding market as market access is critical and affects the ability to both raise new funds and liquid assets. This access to market is expressed first by identification and building of strong relationships with current and potential key providers of funding
- As a prudent measure, the choice of any source has to be demonstrated with the effective ability to access the source for the bank. If the bank has never experienced to sold loans in the past or securitization program, it should not anticipate using such funding strategies as a primary source of liquidity
Liquidity reserve or highly liquid assets stock
- High grade collateral received under repo
- Collateral pledged to the central bank for emergency situation
- Trading assets if they are freely disposable
- To maintain a central data repository of these unencumbered liquid assets
- To invest in liquid assets for purely precautionary motives during normal time of business and not during first signs of market turbulence
- To apply, if possible, both an economic and regulatory liquidity assets holding position. The LCR, one of the new Basel III ratios in that context can represent an excellent 'warning indicator' for monitoring the dedicated level and evolution of the dedicated stock of liquid assets. Indeed, the LCR addresses the sufficiency of a stock of high quality liquid assets to meet short-term liquidity needs under a specified acute stress scenario. It identifies the amount of unencumbered, high quality liquid assets an institution holds that can be used to offset the net cash outflows it would encounter under an acute 30-days stress scenario specified by supervisors. In light of the stricter LCR eligible assets definition, the economic approach could include a larger bulk of other liquid assets
- To adapt the stock of the cushion of liquid assets according to stress scenarios. As an example, a bank may decide to use high liquid sovereign debt instruments in entering into repurchase transaction in response to one severe stress scenario
- To evaluate the cost of maintening dedicated stock of liquid assets portfolio as the negative carry between the yield of this portfolio and its penalty rate. This negative carry of this high liquid portfolio assets will be then allocated to the respective business lines that are creating the need for such liquidity reserve
Contingency funding plan
Dealing with Contingency Funding Plan is to find adequate actions as regard to low-probability and high-impact events as opposed to high-probability and low-impact into the day-to-day management of funding sources and their usage within the bank.
To do so, the bank needs to perform the hereafter tasks :
Identification of plausible stress events
Bank specific events : generally linked to bank's business activities and arising from credit, market, operational, reputation or strategic risk. These aspects can be expressed as the inability :- To fund asset growth
- To renew or replace maturing liabilities
- To use off-balance sheet commitments given
- To hold back unexpected large deposit withdrawals
- Changes in economic conditions
- * Changes in price volatility of securities
- * Negative press coverage
- * Disruption in the markets from which the bank obtains funds
Estimation of the severity levels, occurrence and duration of those stress events on the bank funding structure
This quantitative estimation of additional funding resources under stress events is declined for:
- Each relevant level of the bank
- Within the 3 main time categories horizon : short-term, medium to long-term
The bank need, in accordance, to develop a monitoring process to :
- Detect early sign of events that could degenerate into crisis situation through set of warning indicators or triggers
- Build an escalation scheme via reporting and action plan in order to provide precautionary measure before any material risk materialized
Overview of potential and viable contingent funding sources and build up of a central inventory
- The dedicated liquidity reserve
- Other unencumbered liquid assets and in relation to economic liquidity reserve view. They can represent :
- * Additional unsecured or secured funding
- * Access to central bank reserves
- * Reduction plan of assets
- * Additional sale plan of unencumbered assets
Determination of the contingent funding sources value according to stressed scenario events
- Stressed haircut applied
- Variation around cash-flow projection
- Erosion level of the funding resources
- Confidence level to gain access to the funding markets
- Monetization possibility of less liquid assets such as real-estate or mortgage loans with linked operational procedures and legal structure to put in place if any
Setting of an administrative structure and crisis-management team
- Action plan to take during a given level of stress
- Communication scheme with counterparties, large investors, Central Bank and regulators involved
- Reports and escalation process
- Link with other contingent activities such as the Business Continuity Planning of the bank
Managing the ALM profile generated by the funding requirements
ALM report
Funding report summarises the total funding needs and sources with the objective to dispose of a global view where the forward funding requirement lies at the time of the snapshot. The report breakdown is at business line level to a consolidatedone on the firm-wide level. As a widespread standard, a 20% gap tolerance level is applied in each time bucket meaning that gap within each time period defined can support no more than 20% of total funding.- Marginal gap : difference between change in assets and change in liabilities for a given time period to the next
- Gap as % of total gap : to prevent an excessive forward gap developing in one time period
Funding cost allocation or Fund Transfer Pricing concept
- Set an internal price estimation of the cost of financing needed for the coming periods
- Assign it to users of funds