Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development

The Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development is a regional non-governmental organization that serves as a coordinating body of 29 National Committees of Parliamentarians on Population and Development in Asia-Pacific. The objective of the organization is to strengthen the regional network of parliamentarians who are committed to implementing the population and development agenda, particularly the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Sustainable Development Goals. AFPPD aims to achieve this through capacity building for parliamentarians and National Committees.


With initiative from the United Nations Population Fund, AFPPD was established in 1981 at the Asian Conference of Parliamentarians on Population and Development held in Beijing to promote the involvement of lawmakers in the Asia-Pacific region in addressing population and development issues such as sexual and reproductive health and rights, family planning, gender equality, active ageing, youth issues, urbanization, migration and HIV/AIDS. AFPPD envisions a world where demographic changes and population issues are taken into account in planning for sustainable development.
AFPPD aims to realize its vision through parliamentary work by:
AFPPD provides capacity development support to its members, facilitating their networking at the national, regional and global levels. The organization is governed by the General Assembly; managed by the Executive Committee; advised by three Standing Committees on its strategic priorities; and supported by the Secretariat located in Bangkok, Thailand. As of April 2016, AFPPD consists of 29 member National Committees of Parliamentarians on Population and Development in Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Cook Islands, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, and Vietnam.
AFPPD is the oldest regional parliamentarian forum on population and development. It has been registered as an international nongovernmental organization, with the Ministry of Labour, Government of Thailand, since October 1994. As a recipient of the 2010 UN Population Award, AFPPD has the highest consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council.

Standing Committees

Standing Committee on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment

The establishment of the Standing Committee’s main purpose is to share knowledge, advocate and exchange experiences among its members to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment across the region. Members of the Standing Committee will be informed of the progress and provide guidance to future plans and gender related activities of the AFPPD. Ms. Barbara Kuriger and Hon. Lord Fusitu'a are the current Co-Chairpersons of this Standing Committee.

Standing Committee on Investing in Youth

Members of this Standing Committee will be expected to examine and advocate issues which affect young people and share policy options and recommendations with other member countries to achieve sustainable human development. Through this joint action, members of the Standing Committee will therefore highlight parliamentarians’ role and responsibilities in safeguarding the rights, needs and aspirations of young people through targeted policies and investments. Hon. Ms. Dina Mahalaxmi Upadhyay and Hon. Ms. Khayriniso Yusufi are the current Co-Chairpersons of this Standing Committee.

Standing Committee on Active Ageing

The Standing Committee on Active Ageing was established with the aim to promote healthy and active ageing, and protect the rights of older persons through policies and legal frameworks. The Standing Committee is expected to provide guidance and lead advocacy efforts on issues related to older persons, which include strengthening social protection, enhancing health care for healthy life expectancy, as well as addressing the specific needs of older women. Hon. Professor Keizo Takemi and Hon. Professor Wang Longde are the current Co-Chairpersons of this Standing Committee.


AFPPD’s activities include the following: